find out what dr. brad's care is all about, join us at the next Hope Class, Tuesday, 2/11 at 6:30 PM.

find out what dr. brad's care is all about, join us at the next Hope Class, Tuesday, 2/11 at 6:30 PM.

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are you asking, “Is there help with what I’m dealing with?”

For many people, the answer is yes.

Dr. Brad’s care is different—and that’s a good thing. As the Interdisciplinary Guide at Hope Clinic, Dr. Brad looks at the big picture when evaluating your health. He considers all the possible treatment options that could lead to lasting, positive results.

If you’re feeling stuck, you’re not alone. We understand how frustrating it can be when you’ve tried different approaches without success. A practitioner’s training focuses on one area, but that’s not always enough when the issue has multiple causes.

Dr. Brad’s broad knowledge and years of study across various health specialties allow him to connect the dots and find what’s most needed for your situation.

How to get started.

Attend Dr. Brad's next Hope Class to learn about his care and treatment options that you may not have heard of before. This is a great opportunity to see if we’re the right fit for you, plus a chance to ask Dr. Brad any questions after the one-hour free class.


We often hear from patients who are surprised and grateful for the care they receive. Take a listen to a few of their experiences here.

A mom’s hopeful story.

“There just had to be something that could help.”

We have a patient video! Hear a mother share about her 2-year old who was diagnosed with 46 different food allergies and the journey to find help. And hope!


“Hope Clinic is an apt name because I was in a place where I kind of felt hopeless.”

Women come in daily to Hope Clinic for support related to the thyroid, fatigue, brain fog, aches/pains, tooth problems, dry mouth.)

help for dad.

“Thank you is not an adequate enough word for what you’ve done for me and my family.”

There is hope for concussions! Hear from a dad who found relief after years of debilitating migraines, fatigue, and brain fog with CNSR, Central Nervous System Restoration.